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Home Care Assistance

I Know Someone Who Needs Care

  • Hourly Care
  • 24 Hour Care
  • Hospital to Home
  • Specialised Care

Taking on the carer role for your own ageing loved ones

Watching a parent or spouse age can be difficult and transitioning into a caregiving role presents many of its own unique challenges. Seeking the right support for yourself can make all the difference to you and your loved ones.

When is the right time for home care?

It is not always easy to determine exactly when an ageing loved one needs further support. Care needs, following an injury or sudden change can be obvious, but sometimes the indicators are quite subtle. Things like changes in eating habits, memory loss, changes to energy levels or difficulty in taking part in day to day activities can all be signs that extra assistance could help someone live an easier and more fulfilled life.  If you’ve noticed any changes in behaviour or increased frailty in your elderly loved one, get in touch with the team at Home Care Assistance to find out how we can help.

Respecting our ageing loved ones

We all want what is best for our ageing loved ones and making the right choices on their behalf can be challenging. Research shows that 80% of older Australians prefer to age in the comfort of their own home rather than an aged care facility*. We exist to support you and your loved ones with this preference.

For some people, the thought of having care workers in their home might affect their sense of privacy or independence, resulting in resistance to the idea. At Home Care Assistance, we can support you with strategies to help alleviate any concerns or fears and make the transition to receiving support easier for everyone.

Home care funding options

You can pay privately for Home Care, but there are also options that are fully or partially government funded such as Home Care Packages, the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) and Carer Gateway respite.

Paying Privately

The simplest method, and a good option if you need care urgently, you only need care short term, or you simply don’t want to involve Government agencies in assessing your care needs, is paying for home care privately.  At Home Care Assistance we have competitive hourly rates to assist you should you choose this path.

Home Care Packages

Government funded and tailored to the individual. They can cover everything from help with gardening and cooking to more complex services requiring a co-ordinated approach such as personal care or wound care. For Aged Care Pensioners, these packages can be fully subsidised, so there is no out of pocket cost.

The Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)

Helps senior Australians access entry-level support services to live independently and safely at home. CHSP works with you to maintain your independence rather than doing things for you. These services are subsidised and generally involve a small contribution from the person utilising the services. CHSP can also be utilised whilst you are waiting for your Home Care Package to be allocated.

Carer Gateway Respite

Provides emergency respite care at short notice if you find you are suddenly unable to give care or support e.g. you are ill or injured. Phone 1800 422 737 to learn more.

How to apply for home care funding

The first step is to call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or apply for an assessment online.  

To complete the online assessment, you will need Medicare card details and to nominate the primary contact person for your loved one.  The primary contact will be required for a face-to-face meeting to better understand the support needs. You can find out more about the types of assessments, what happens, and how best to prepare for it here.

What happens once funding is established?

Once your funding is established, be it private or government subsidised, our Home Care Assistance team will work alongside you and your loved one to create an individualised care plan to support them live the life of their choosing, in the comfort and safety of their own home. 

Let us help you

Home Care Assistance West Coast Perth can help. Call Our Local Team today for your complimentary in-home assessment.

Are You Ready To Get Started

Home Care Assistance can help you or a loved one today. Contact us now for your complimentary in-home assessment.

Contact Our Local Team

Extremely friendly and flexible giving exceptional value with the care provided.
Ralph T.
Nipon P.
We highly recommend Home Care Assistance, Perth.
Mary L.
ourania M.
Excellent service. Efficient, caring and understanding. They cared very well for my dad before he passed away earlier this year and they are now assisting with my mum. Highly recommended.
F N.
Ros F.
Sandra P.