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Tips for Supporting Your Senior Loved Ones During Christmas Day Celebrations

As our loved ones get older, there can be a feeling of increased pressure to make special events, such as Christmas and other holidays, extra special. While changes in mobility and physical and cognitive health can make it trickier for our older loved ones to participate in events, they can also be subject to loneliness and feeling excluded if not included. At Home Care Assistance, we understand the need to include your older loved ones in activities but do so the right way so everyone enjoys their day. We have compiled this list of tips to help you navigate this time. 

Tip 1: Talk To Your Loved One Ahead of Time.

Talking to your loved one ahead of time can save a whole lot of angst and miscommunication closer to the date. Take the time to speak to your loved one about what they want. As a loved one’s capabilities change, one of the challenges of this time of year is maintaining traditions. However, you do not know which traditions are important to your loved one unless you ask them. Maybe it is important to them to have Christmas lunch at home, but they need someone else to cook and clean. Perhaps it is not important to have Christmas in their home so long as there is homemade plum pudding. Rather than guessing what is important, you can be sure to include these elements in your plans by asking them.

Tip 2: Spread the Workload

If your older loved one traditionally cooks Christmas lunch, split up the workload this year by getting everyone to bring a dish. Also, set up a team of people to set up and pack up. You can even make this part of the fun—put some holiday music on and enjoy the extra time together.

Tip 3: Make Sure Your Older Loved One has a Quiet Place to Go.

If your loved one gets easily overwhelmed, make sure they have a quieter place to go in the house you are celebrating in so they can retreat. This might be another living area or a bedroom—really anywhere they can have some peace and quiet until they are ready to rejoin the celebrations. Have a designated person check in on them periodically in case they need anything but so they do not get overwhelmed. 

Tip 4: Consider the Best Part of the Day to Include Your Loved One.

If you know your loved one gets worn out quickly, make sure your arrangements include a plan to take them home when they have had enough. If you know they are only likely to last an hour of being out and about, consider which hour they will get the most out of. It could be lunch or dinner or picking them up just before eating so they can be a part of the meal. Adapt the plans for their capabilities. If your loved one tends to have a better time of day when they are physically or cognitively more active, this is a good time of day to have your celebrations. Some people are better in the morning, and others in the afternoon. Everyone is different, and it is best to consider their needs.

Tip 5: Small Groups or Everyone at Once.

If your loved one gets overwhelmed easily, you might be better off catching up with them in small groups rather than one large group. For example, one group could be for each meal, with gaps in the middle so they can rest. 

Tip 6: Keep their Carers Informed

If your loved one receives assistance from a Care Professional, ensure they know the plans. This way, they can help by ensuring your loved one is ready at the right time and knowing what your loved one will need on the day.

Tip 7: Be Flexible

As much as you make plans with your loved one’s needs in mind, sometimes things just do not work out as planned. Be as flexible as possible in terms of timing. Also, keep an eye on them for signs that they might have had enough and keep the communication channels open with them. 

By planning your Christmas activities with your older loved one’s needs in mind, you can help make their day extra special. However, avoid the temptation to place too much pressure on making it the perfect day, as this makes it more complicated. Make sure you relax and enjoy being with your loved ones. Support at home from a specialist provider, such as Home Care Assistance, can bring enormous benefits and comfort to your quality of life while living independently. Home Care Assistance has viable solutions for supporting independent living. For more information, get in touch with a Home Care Assistance today.  

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