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Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is vital to maintaining physical and mental health. However, as we age, our bodies change, and it can be challenging to sleep well. At Home Care Assistance, our Care Professionals know some habits can help a person sleep well. We have compiled our top tips for getting a good night’s sleep. 

  1. Go to bed and wake up at the same time.

Having a regular sleep schedule helps our body know when it is time to go to sleep and when it is time to wake up. While it can be tempting to sleep in – particularly on those cold winter mornings – getting up at the same time each day will help you get to sleep the following night.

  1. Find ways to relax before bed.

Being relaxed when you get into bed is important for getting to sleep. It isn’t easy to get to sleep when your mind is buzzing. Having a good bedtime routine that helps you relax will help you sleep. For some people, that means having a shower or a hot chocolate before bed, while for others, it might mean reading a book. It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it helps you relax.

  1. Avoid distractions in the bedroom

Having electronics such as TVs, computers, or mobile phones in your bedroom can be distracting when trying to sleep. The light, not to mention the beeping sounds, that come from these devices can be disruptive. Hint: If you are worried about missing an urgent call from a family member, set up a nighttime mode on your mobile phone that only allows calls from specific people. Sometimes, this can be set up so the phone only rings if someone calls twice in 15 minutes. This way, if it is an emergency, you are still contactable but won’t otherwise get disturbed. 

  1. Eat healthily and do not eat large meals before bed.

Healthy meals that are easy to digest can help you sleep well. Eating a large meal – particularly an unhealthy one – before bed means your body is working to digest it when trying to sleep. Make sure you eat dinner at least three hours before bed. If you still struggle with feeling like you are digesting at bedtime, consider having your main meal at lunchtime and a smaller meal for dinner. If you or your loved one is struggling with meal preparation, it might be time to consider home care to support grocery shopping and meal preparation. 

  1. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and sugar late in the day.

We all know that caffeine can disrupt our sleep if we have too much or too late in the day. Try to restrict caffeine consumption too early in the day and limit the amount you consume. Consider having some caffeine-free alternatives that you can have for a cuppa later in the day when needed. Sugar can also affect your sleep quality – particularly if you have a large amount late in the day. Limiting sugar is a healthy option, but if you need to indulge, have it earlier or just a small amount in the evening.

People often think alcohol helps them sleep. While you might get to sleep more quickly if you consume alcohol, you will find the quality of your sleep and your ability to stay asleep is affected. For a good night’s sleep, it is better to swap your alcoholic drink out for one of the many alcohol-free options that are available. 

  1. Exercise

Exercise is excellent for helping you sleep well. It tires out your body so that it craves rest. However, exercising late in the day can disrupt your body’s ability to wind down before bed. Therefore, it is better to exercise more than three hours before bed. If you suddenly increase your exercise, sleeping poorly may be a sign of overdoing it. Try backing off how much exercise you are doing and increase it more slowly.  At Home Care Assistance, our Care Professionals can help you safely get into a regular exercise routine. 

  1. Avoid long naps.

We all have those days when we feel the need for a nap. However, napping for too long or too close to bedtime can affect our ability to sleep. If you need a nap, have it earlier and keep it to about 30 minutes. 

Sleep is essential for staying and feeling healthy. Following these tips will help you sleep better. If you have many habits inconsistent with these tips, try changing one or two at a time until you develop better habits. Chatting with your GP might be a good idea if you are still not sleeping well despite implementing these top tips. Support of a home care agency like Home Care Assistance, can bring enormous benefit and comfort to your quality of life while living independently at home.  Home Care Assistance has viable solutions when it comes to supporting independent living. For more information, get in touch with a Home Care Assistance near me today.  

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